When planning your finances, it is important to distinguish the difference between savings and investments. Savings are generally funds that you set aside but can be accessed relatively quickly. Investments are designed to be held for a longer term, usually at least 5 years. You need to be comfortable with tying up this money for a period of time, and should not consider investments unless you have some savings in place.
- Have a read of our guide to managing investment risk
To discuss your Saving & Investment needs or to arrange
a meeting directly, Call us on 01225 581 222 or info@premfp.com
There is a bewildering range of savings and investment vehicles available to the investor. The right investment portfolio should reflect your tax position and align with your attitude to risk. It should further meet your requirement to generate income, growth or a combination of both.
We will conduct a detailed personal review of your current financial position, future aspirations and objectives, before tailoring a recommendation.
Wealth creation and management is an ongoing process, therefore it is vital that regular reviews and meetings are carried out to keep you on track.
* National Savings & Investments are not regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Among other investments, we have expertise in the following sectors:
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